Sunday, October 16, 2005

My Astro I getting desperate or WHAT?

This report is a short edition of the AstroText Forecast. It is meant as a sample and advertisement for the full version of the AstroText Forecast which can be ordered from Astrodienst as a bound report of about 20 - 30 pages.
In the short edition, only a few, but nevertheless important transits over your natal chart are considered. It is likely however that some important transits of this six month period have been omitted in this abbreviated report.
If you are interested in the full pattern of relevant themes, please order the full version of this report. Your best choice of report will be Liz Greene's Yearly Horoscope Analysis or Robert Hand's Transits of the Year. These reports will select the really relevant themes of a 12-month period for you, and deal with them in depth and style.
The report was generated for 6 months starting from October 2005 with the following birth data: female, born on 25 March 1981 at 11:25 pm in Modesto, California.
Your sun sign is Aries. This is the sign in which the Sun is in your birth chart. Your Ascendant is in Sagittarius, and your Moon is also in Sagittarius.

Pluto sextile Pluto: Overall gentleness
End of December 2004 until mid October 2006: During this time the changes that take place in your life will be part of a creative evolution. You can see that you are moving toward your goals and that you do not need anything else in order to attain them. You will get there simply by allowing the current energies to play themselves out.
At the same time this influence will create additional opportunities for growth that you may or may not choose to take advantage of. This is a period of stability within change.
Quite likely your concerns will become deeper as you become interested in the more profound aspects of your life. You may wish to understand more about your internal psychological workings, and this is a good time to find out without fearing great upsets. The overall gentleness of this influence allows you to discover many things that could be the source of anguish at other times. On another level, this influence will also give you greater concern about the universe as a whole and where you are in relationship to it.
You will probably find that your views about daily life are stabilizing and maturing. Now that the period of rapid change is past, you are arriving at a way of dealing with the world that will not change much more except, hopefully, when future experience invalidates your present views. In other words, this influence doesn't represent settling into rigidity, but stability.

Uranus square Ascendant: Sudden separations
End of February 2005 until end of January 2006: This influence is likely to have a very disruptive effect on your relationships. Influences may enter your life, either through your home or your profession, that will challenge the foundations upon which your life is built. This challenge will be reflected in surprising encounters with others that upset your way of living or in sudden separations from persons who you thought would remain in your life for some time. Or it may be that you yourself are the catalyst of all these changes as you seek to become free of circumstances that have become oppressive.
During this period it is quite likely that you will do things and go places you never would have thought of in the past. The old patterns of your life simply can no longer encompass what your life is becoming now.
From all of the above it should be obvious that this is not an "evil" influence, although anyone who is wedded to the status quo in life or to their own past will find this period difficult to contend with. Old patterns that have acquired a stranglehold over your life will break up. You may not have been aware of these patterns, because many people find their "strangleholds" quite comfortable, at least until much later on.
The people who enter your life at this time may be quite different from anyone you have known before. Some of these relationships may be quite brief. You may encounter someone for a specific purpose, which you may not be aware of at the time, and once that purpose is accomplished, the relationship ends.
If a new love interest enters your life at this point, it is likely to be exciting, free and totally unpredictable. Do not make a permanent commitment to it until well after the end of this period, for such a relationship is likely to be very unstable and brief.

Uranus conjunction Mercury: Thinking things through
Beginning of April 2005 until mid December 2006: This is a very positive influence, a time when your mind will be stimulated as never before. New ideas, new techniques and new approaches to life will continually come to you. Radical ideas that you would never have entertained before seem perfectly all right now, and you are able to use them positively.
Communication will take on a more important role in your life at this time. You need to share with everyone the new insights that are coming into your life. Consequently you are likely to become a proselytizer for new ideas, trying to break others out of their rigid patterns of thinking. Astrology and the occult in general will attract you now, if they haven't in the past. You will also be interested in scientific and technological disciplines. This is an excellent time to begin studying science and mathematics.
However, if you want to take advantage of these opportunities, you must be quite flexible in your own thinking. If your thinking is very rigid, this will be an extremely upsetting period in which your ideas are challenged and found wanting. Under these circumstances you may become more tense, nervous and threatened. Even if you go along with the insights that this influence can bring, it may be upsetting, because the pace is too fast to keep up. Nervous ailments and anxieties can be a part of this period if the pace becomes too hectic.
A related problem now is the tendency to scatter your thoughts so that you don't think things through very carefully. There is the danger of making decisions impulsively without adequate forethought. In general, this is not a good time to make decisions, but rather a time to learn. Make sure you are in a position where you are free to change your mind, for you may do it frequently. If you try to make a permanent commitment to some new course of action, you are likely to embarrass yourself by seeming inconsistent. The problem is really that you are so constantly exposed to new data that your conclusions have to change as your understanding changes.

Saturn trine Moon: Mutual reinforcement
Beginning of September 2005 until mid June 2006: This influence indicates a time of equilibrium in your life, when the demands of the world are in balance with your emotional needs. Emotional maturity and past experiences have prepared you for this, and now you can put your understanding to work to make your life run more smoothly. Tensions that in the past have seemed to pull you in opposite directions are now working in balance and harmony.
At this time your emotional attitude is sober. Your mental state is relatively quiet, and you can see objectively what is true for you, what your needs are and how much you can give and get from others. Your domestic life and your work reinforce each other, and you are able to attend to both without sacrificing either.
Older people, especially women, may give you great insight and understanding. Your own emotional attitudes are "older" at this time. You take advantage of other people's insights of age.

Saturn trine Ascendant: Gaining experience
Beginning of September 2005 until mid June 2006: During this period of time you will establish yourself with respect to the rest of the world. People will come to know who you are and what you are doing. At the same time this influence indicates that you have reached a point of equilibrium at which your actions and behavior toward others are reliable and consistent. You will not feel like surprising people with sudden or unpredictable actions, nor will you want others to surprise you. Your whole objective is to reach the point where all your affairs are running smoothly and on schedule. Your approach is disciplined, well ordered and mature.
About the only problem with this influence is that you find it difficult to make changes conservatively. And if that response is inappropriate to the situation, you will have difficulty. You are not very flexible, but that is not usually a great problem.
At this time in your life, you are very concerned with gaining experience, particularly in your profession. You are likely to be ambitious and will work hard to get ahead and improve yourself. You will seek out people who can help you, and probably you will make very sure that you want to be fair and just, you don't want to be in debt to anyone. This is a time when self-sufficiency is very important to you.
This is reflected in your relationships also. You are somewhat more reserved than usual and cautious about forming new relationships. Usually this is to the good, although if you are too cautious you may overlook persons who could assist you. Older, more experienced people attract you especially, because you know you can learn from them. A person who will play a very important role as your teacher may come into your life at this time. But don't expect him or her to necessarily conform to your preconceived image of a teacher. He or she may come from any area of your life, and you may not recognize what has happened until later.

Jupiter trine Mercury: Intelligent plans
Beginning of December 2005 until mid August 2006: This is not a time when you should wait for things to come to you. But you can do quite well with it if you communicate with people, look for opportunities, especially in business, and look for good items to buy or sell. This influence confers the ability to see events clearly and to make plans intelligently, which will serve you well in any of these matters.
You are able to put yourself across with confidence and warmth, which will make other people believe you. They will also respect your sincerity and the clarity with which you communicate your ideas. Even if you tell someone something he or she doesn't want to hear, you can do it so that the other person will feel good about you for saying it.
This is an excellent time to take up the study of a new subject, and the more abstract the better. But you also have the ability now to translate abstract ideas into practical reality, which can be very useful in organizing and planning your activities in any sphere of life.
On the psychological level you can expect a period of optimism and positive thinking, fortunately based on reality. You have big ideas, but you have the basic sense to understand what can and cannot be done. This contributes greatly to your effectiveness at this time.

AstroText Forecast - Short Edition October 2005 to March 2006
for (female)
born on 25 March 1981
local time
11:25 pm
in CA (US)
121w00, 37n38
sid. time
Planetary positions
stationary (R)
True Node
House positions (Placidus)
2nd House
3rd House
Imum Coeli
5th House
6th House
8th House
9th House
Medium Coeli
11th House
12th House
Pluto sextile Pluto, 25 Dec 2004 - 13 Oct 2006
Uranus square Ascendant, 28 Feb 2005 - 27 Jan 2006
Uranus conjunction Mercury, 8 April 2005 - 12 Dec 2006
Saturn trine Moon, 9 Sep 2005 - 18 June 2006
Saturn trine Ascendant, 10 Sep 2005 - 19 June 2006
Jupiter trine Mercury, 8 Dec 2005 - 13 Aug 2006

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