Monday, November 14, 2005

Just another Manic Monday....why isn't it Friday?

I got my Sex and the City dvds and I'm happier than a pig in----well, you know what I mean! I'm so excited! I'd planned to watch a marathon this passed Saturday, but they didn't come in the mail until today so....I'm stuck watching them through the week because I'm scheduled for a computer course on Saturday and have to work on Sunday :(. Poor me!

I could lose my great new job if I don't learn Microsoft Excel by December 9th, so I'm very very very very nervous about that....*sigh*. I purchased Professor teaches Microsoft Office, Windows, Web & Graphics Super Set on Saturday...hopefully it will help! I don't know what to do.

In addition to that, I've slipped back into some bad habits. I've slept with the guy who broke my heart three times in the last couple's terrible. On a brighter note, I met a really interesting guy at the grocery store perhaps I'll be distracted enough to finally leave the guy from out of town alone for good.

Another guy asked me to a concert for later this month, so, hopefully we will actually go. I'm really excited because I really like the artist.

I'm so tired right now....I hardly slept last night because I kept getting woken up. I'm hoping that the week will get better.

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