Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Phone Rang Yesterday....

and it was him.

He called....this is familiar. The other....older one did this as well.

He calls after a few weeks of not hearing from him. He has given me sufficient time to agonize over the loss of contact with him and to also come to my senses. After all, he hadn't done anything, right? I was feeling overwrought when I made the decision to cut him out of my bed, if not my life. Perhaps this time apart had allowed me to see reason. :)

At least...that's what HE thinks.

The message on my cell indicates that I've recently replaced my phone and have no one's phone number so please leave a message with both your area code and phone number.

He left a message calling me "Sweetie"...typically I've been "Sexy"....I guess it's "Sweetie" when he's trying to grace me with his presence after pulling a disappearing act. Anyway, so, he tells "Sweetie" who it is that is calling and that he wants to check on her to make sure everything's been ok. And if it hasn't?

So he gives his number twice and hangs up.

That was yesterday afternoon.

I have no returned the call. I am not sure what I could say to him but I know that I am not ready to say anything in particular, so, I should call, if I call, when I have my thoughts clear. I don't know that there is anything else worth saying.

He made it clear, by his silence for the last three weeks, that he did not want my friendship after I told him that I could not sleep with him anymore.

What more is there to say other than....

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