Sunday, October 15, 2006

Party and Bullsh*t

Went to a party at Miss M's earlier this evening. It was nice to hang out with a bunch of people and shoot the breeze on a variety of topics. King Kong (that's Bright's cousin) called and told me that he was on his way into Sacramento. I told him to give me a call when he got here. This was around nine 12:41, he still hasn't put in an appearance.

Now mind you, I called him before I got into the shower at eleven and he told me that he'd swing by my house...again, no show.

I have had a quite a bit of time to evaluate my reasons for wanting to get into anything serious with him and I find that my motives are impure. I think that it would be wonderful to have someone to share my time with, but, truthfully, we have so little in common. Our goals are not the same and our lifestyles are completely different. Granted, it would be a boost to my ego to have someone that I am so sexually satisfied with want to take it to the next level, but, it is glaringly apparent that this will not be a good fit for either of us.

It bugs me that he doesn't mind not keeping his word when he tells me that he will call or that he will show up. Perhaps it is a little thing to him, but, it is a pet peeve of mine. I like to be consistent in that area and I respect a person who is the same way.

It is now close to one in the morning and I am torn between wanting to wait up and knowing that I should go to bed because it's unlikely that he will put in an appearance. Even if he does...what would be the point? All that we could do would be to screw and truthfully speaking, I don't think it's worth it. I'm not feeling particularly aroused and I'd much rather sleep tonight.

It's been decided. I am going to log off the computer and get a little sleep. There is much to be done tomorrow....

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