Saturday, June 30, 2007

At the end of the day...

I went to Dylan's house for breakfast this morning around 11:30am.

He finished cooking and we ate at 1:30pm.

We talked a bit and I fell asleep for a few hours.

I finally got up around 4:30 and after talking for a little bit, I signed online and talked with Paula.

We went to the Super WalMart new his house and shopped for a couple of hours before I finally dropped him off.

I went by Paula's and took her the $15 that I owed her and dinner from Carl's Jr.

I then went to Taco Bell and got myself something to eat.

Now I'm home and I've had something to fill my belly.

I feel a little sad because I miss him---you know who---but, this too shall get easier to deal with.


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