Monday, November 07, 2005

"I love you"

I was watching television tonight and on the show the leading man told the woman that he'd been jerking around for the last two or three years that he loved her. She resisted at first but finally submitted to his kiss and wound up sleeping with him and embarking on the start of an affair.

Although this was purely a work of fiction, it made me think of question: Does "I love you" change anything? Does it change everything and cover over a multitude of sins?

How is it that three little words can make or break a relationship? Isn't it horrifying to think that so much weight can be carried in a mere three words?

I reflect upon my relationship upsets and wonder if I'd been told that I was loved, if I would be content...even though I wouldn't necessarily be happy. I wonder....

1 comment:

Chaotic Temptress said...


I always enjoy your thoughtful comments. It's really interesting that you should mention the Greek language having four words that translate into love. We discussed that just the other night in my class. You're so right about our having to find ways of interpreting it's meaning considering that we only have one word.