Monday, December 19, 2005

*Crying never helps but it's all I seem to do these days*

He's stopped taking my calls. Just like that. How very simple it is to be cut off from the object of your affection. I suppose that it has all come full circle then. I feel shattered and hurt and do not know how I'm going to face the impending days. I feel lost and bereft and want to crawl into bed and cry myself to oblivion.....why couldn't he love me? Why? I feel like shit.

I don't know how I can feel better. I just don't want to try anymore. Dating doesn't work for me. I cannot seem to find anyone who I feel the same about....I just wish that someone would believe that I was good enough for them and that I was into them....but it seems to be too much....

That is the trouble...I've always offered too much and have never had quite enough....

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