Thursday, October 27, 2005

Cool Blog that I read today...check him out!

With the changes in healthcare over the last few decades, the roles of Nurses has become increasingly more responsible and critical to patient care. HMO's have tacked a cost to each patient and doctors oftentimes don't have the time to give each patient adequate direct patient care. In comes the Nurse...

They are on the frontlines in our hospitals, clinics and even in some cases, our homes, providing education, comfort and medical attention. This young man is a recent graduate from Nursing school. Well done!

1 comment:

Tomas said...

First off, thanks for the reply, I am very surprised because i never expected someone to stumble into my little blog and actually read it. Im new to the blogging "scene."

ANyway, i plan to work a year or two at med-surg then go to ICU. I also plan to become a comic artist depicting funny moments in my career as a nurse (and yes, HIPAA will be enforced in all my works).

L&D is exciting. But the experience I remembered in my L&D clinical rotation will last forever in my mind.. I was feeling the fundus of a post-delivery patient.. and her husband was staring at me with "mad dog eyes" I began to sweat and felt soo uncomfortable palpating her while the husband was giving me the "You-go-down-any-further, you-die" look.

I have many job offers, im just awaiting for my temp license on the internet... what the hells taking them soo long? I should call them. But yeah, im ready to work and pay off those loans. Plus, I need medical/dental insurance. Although im proud of my accomplishments in nursing school, I think I over-ate and under-excercised.

Thanks for the response! take care and G-d Bless!